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Showing posts from May, 2016

Catch up

Hello. So many things have happened in the last several months, but sitting down at a home computer has not been one of them. We had a lovely Christmas, New Years, Valentines Day, and both girls' birthdays. Ella's quiz bowl team and robotics club have performed really well. She just tried on every pair of shorts in her drawer, and out of 12, only two fit. (We went to the mall. And survived.) Annie is reading on a third-grade level and ready for swimming lessons. Both girls continue to be funny and exasperating and surprising and delightful. Some pictures to catch you up. January Taking a break from baking for a little jam session. Some Sparky's ice cream for Ella's 12th birthday! February Cake for breakfast on Valentine's Day. March A co-birthday celebration for Annie and cousin TJ. Easter egg hunting with Uncle Marty! April Reading an old favorite with the girls. Ella's quiz bowl team!