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Showing posts from October, 2013


Corn maze! Spencer's company, Veteran's United, held a family-friendly fall festival extravaganza at Shryocks Callaway Farm . There was a bounce house, kettle corn, hot dogs, s'mores, apple bobbing (try not to think about the germ factor), and, of course, the famous corn maze.

Have a Cookie

Hello! How are you? It has been a while, I know, so here I present a photo essay of Ella baking her first solo batch of cookies. I sat on the sidelines offering tips and drinking a glass of wine. I also got a little nostalgic remembering my own mother showing me how to level a cup of flour using a table knife. I also have a vivid memory of her showing me how to measure tricky ingredients like shortening and peanut butter using the displacement method in a Pyrex liquid measuring cup. I love you, mom! Ella levels her scoops of flour like a pro. I remember when the sound of this mixer used to send her fleeing in terror from the kitchen. Best part of baking: licking the beaters. Scoop! Safety first. Ella demonstrates proper (and enthusiastic) use of oven mitts. The finished product! Sharing a cookie with Annie. Other things are happening besides baking. Soccer season is wrapping up. Ella loves playing goalie, but Annie, after seeming to enjoy the first...