Ella will head to the bathroom to brush her teeth, and 30 minutes later she will still be in there, making faces in the mirror or digging through the medicine cabinet, teeth unbrushed. Similarly, on Saturdays we'll let her know that in 30 minutes we need to leave for her ballet lesson and ask her to get her leotard on. After 30 minutes have elapsed she will have perhaps removed a sock and also created an elaborate maze on her bedroom floor, using only dirty clothes and library books. She will not have put on her leotard. Lots of yelling happens after this. Today, on the way home from ballet, and a couple of hours after a frustrating scene much like what I've just described, I asked Ella if she had any ideas for solving this problem. She thought for a bit and then replied, "We could get a monkey that would pinch me every time I didn't stay on task." Problem solved.